Welcome to Invest Like a Blonde, personal finance so easy even a blonde can do it. Growing up as a natural blonde I was butt of every joke, my Spanish teacher even called me rubia(blonde girl in spanish) instead of my actual name. I started to lean into the stereotype and my grades started to falter. One day I woke up and realized I wanted to be the Elle Woods at the end of the Legally Blonde when she graduates from Harvard Law as Valedictorian, not the Elle Woods who gets dumped by a guy she is way to good for, for being a “Marilyn”. Unfortunately this realization happened half way through college. I still graduated with a degree in Hospitality Management and went on to work in recruiting at Facebook and eBay. Unfortunately I found that working in an office broke my soul. I was even reprimanded for being too “distracting” but I had no idea what I was doing to be “distracting”. Apparently my big personality and blonde hair were too much for a quiet office setting. During this time I put myself into $30,000 worth of credit card debt and I had a $35,000 car loan. I also didn’t understand how to manage my retirement and got deeper and deeper into debt. One day I woke up, jobless, trying to figure out what to do with my life, how to save for retirement, and how to pay off my $65,000 of debt. I decided to go back to bartending and hit the books with the same veracity Elle did after she showed up in a playboy bunny costume to a costume-less halloween party(this party sounds way lame). Since then I have paid off my credit card debt, sold my car and bought a more affordable car so that I no longer have a car loan, and saved more than my original credit card debt in assets. I decided to write a book and a blog to help others going through what I went through. At investlikeablonde.com we will talk about everything you need to know about personal finance, plus ways to save money; like eating and drinking at home. I will share my favorite food and drink recipes so that you can enjoy nights at home with amazing cocktails. I hope you enjoy and that I can help you along your way.